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Detect osteoporosis early

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Detect osteoporosis early and accompany therapies safely

osteolabs is the ideal companion for the therapy of osteoporosis. The procedure provides exact measured values for determining an osteocatabolic state. Changes can thus be precisely recorded and evaluated. Used at regular intervals, you as the treating physician receive an overview of the effectiveness of the medicinal anti-resorptive therapy within the framework of osteoporosis therapy. Since the procedure measures values in the serum, it does not require any radiation exposure and is easy for any doctor to perform. osteolabs identifies even the smallest changes in the bone calcium balance. The osteoTest can accurately detect excessive calcium loss that is not age-appropriate. In comparison, the imaging DXA procedure cannot show the early stage of the disease. This wastes valuable time for patients to take countermeasures in case of excessive calcium loss. The test is unique worldwide, scientifically sound and medically confirmed.

Procedure - This is how the test works

Order a free sampling kit for your practice. Order patients & patients fasting for sample collection.

Sending the samples to the laboratory. Subsequent analysis and evaluation.

Receive the result report from the laboratory and discuss it with your patients.

The sampling set for your practice

Calcium biomarkers (CBMs) are the key

Calcium (Ca2+) occurs in food in various heavy isotopes, e.g. 42Ca and 44Ca. Because light Ca isotopes undergo chemical reactions more quickly, light Ca isotopes (42Ca) are predominantly incorporated during bone formation. If more light Ca isotopes are incorporated in the bone, more heavy Ca isotopes (44Ca) remain in the blood. When bone substance is broken down, the reverse happens. More light Ca isotopes pass from the bone into the blood/urine. The 44Ca/42Ca ratio can now be used to determine whether bones are being built up or broken down. This makes early detection of an osteocatabolic metabolic state possible, which is very likely to lead or has already led to osteoporosis. The osteolabs measurement method is a world first, because it makes it possible to diagnose osteoporosis by means of calcium biomarkers (CBM) and to carry out regular therapy monitoring in patients with a serial examination. The test reflects the entire skeleton.

Detect calcium changes thanks to real-time monitoring

According to a pilot study on a half marathon runner, Ca isotope values were determined in the morning (1), shortly after the run (2), one hour after the end of the run (3), four hours after the run (4) and shortly before going to bed (5). The runner's values are shown graphically below.


Shortly after the run, the runner shows a marked change in his calcium isotope value, up to an osteocatabolic range (typical of osteoporosis if it were a permanent condition). This happens as more bone calcium enters the blood to compensate for the physiological calcium losses during the run. A few hours after the run, the calcium isotope ratios have returned to normal. The runner is no longer in the area that would have been osteoporotic.


The OsteoTest is the only method in the world that can measure a quasi-immediate change in the calcium-bone balance.

Include this early test in your daily practice routine

Safely document the effectiveness of anti-resorptive drug therapy and the treatment results for your patients.

Patients with private insurance have a claim for reimbursement against their insurance company.

With this test method you can offer your patients a very reliable test for an osteocatabolic metabolic state from the climacteric onwards, which is very likely to lead to osteoporosis or has already led to it. - A strong argument to come to your practice.

"I like to use the test in addition to the DXA procedure if the DXA measurement is contradictory to the clinical findings. The procedure is also very helpful for borderline findings. But also in cases where patients express a certain reluctance towards a specific therapy, the procedure can be very helpful for informed counselling and decision-making."

Ein Foto von Dr. Kelter, einem Partnerarzt von osteolabs in Köln, der sich für die Gesundheit von Knochen und die Behandlung von Osteoporose einsetzt.
— Dr. med. Erik Kelter
Orthopäde & Unfallchirurg, Köln
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