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Osteoporosis - What you should know

About osteoporosis
Osteoporosis is a widespread disease. For women, the risk increases with the onset of menopause; more than half of all women over 50 suffer from it. Men are also affected.

Causes & risk factors
Hormones are to blame for brittle bones in about 70 percent of cases.

The disease is also called "the silent thief of the bone", because symptoms are not noticeable for a long time. Osteoporosis often remains undetected until a fracture draws attention.

Early detection & diagnosis
Early diagnosis makes it possible to take countermeasures in time - before the bones break. During therapy, success can be measured promptly and adjusted if necessary.

Treatment options
Osteoporosis therapy depends on the stage of the disease: In a very early stage, a healthy diet with sufficient vitamin D and calcium in combination with regular exercise is often sufficient.

OsteoTest procedure
The osteolabs test procedure provides a secure result in only 3 steps. Order an early test, send in a sample, receive a securely encrypted result.

Partner doctors
In our overview map you will find our partner doctors in Germany who successfully use the OsteoTest. Also near you.