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Olympic champion Heike Henkel reports on her diagnosis of osteoporosis

Osteoporosis is a disease in which bone loss occurs. Since bone loss does not cause any symptoms at the beginning, the disease is often only detected at an advanced stage. However, with the OsteoTest it can be detected early - when the chances of successful therapy are still high.

"Osteoporosis? Everyone immediately thinks of old people," says Heike Henkel (57), "But the disease, in which the bones break down, unfortunately also affects many people much earlier. She herself has just tried the OsteoTest | home. With a surprising result for the former competitive athlete in the high jump, who became European champion in 1990, world champion the following year and won Olympic gold in Barcelona in 1992.

"My value was in the endangered red range. I didn't think so, because I eat healthy. I eat healthy, I take care of my body."

She immediately discussed the findings with her family doctor, because with the right therapy, the onset of bone loss can be with the right therapy.

The test kit is a small green and white cardboard box that contains a cup for the urine sample. cup for the urine sample and a draw-up syringe. It's very simple. "It's totally simple. Then you fill out a questionnaire and questionnaire and send everything to Kiel."“

Here, the sample arrives at a Geomar laboratory in a mass spectrometer, which uses the so-called calcium isotope ratios can detect the smallest changes in the bone structure.

"My recommendation: take this test now and get certainty!"

Experiences of our partner doctors and pharmacists

osteolabs und Partnerärzte, darunter IAS Prevent, setzen sich für die Prävention und Therapie von Osteoporose ein. Wir bieten innovative Diagnoseverfahren und Therapien für gesunde Knochen.
Dr. med. Herbert Sterzik
Senior physician ias PREVENT GmbH Frankfurt/Main

"I use the OsteoTest | med at the ias-PREVENT location in Frankfurt am Main because this test can be used to determine an exact and reliable value about the calcium loss in the bones. In modern preventive medicine we work at the highest specialist and medical-technical level and the test from osteolabs is the missing component in the early detection of osteoporosis. The OsteoTest | med makes it possible for me to give my clients the best possible therapy."

Ein Foto von Dr. Kelter, einem Partnerarzt von osteolabs in Köln, der sich für die Gesundheit von Knochen und die Behandlung von Osteoporose einsetzt.
Dr. med. Erik Kelter
Orthopaedic & Trauma Surgeon, Cologne

"I like to use the test in addition to the DXA procedure if the DXA measurement is contradictory to the clinical findings. The procedure is also very helpful for borderline findings. But also in cases where patients express a certain reluctance towards a specific therapy, the procedure can be very helpful for informed counselling and decision-making."

Ein Foto von Dr. Müller, einem Partnerarzt von osteolabs am Universitätsklinikum Kiel, der sich für die Gesundheit von Knochen und die Behandlung von Osteoporose einsetzt.
Dr. med. Michael Müller
Senior Consultant at the Clinic for Orthopaedics and Trauma Surgery, UKSH Kiel

"At the University Hospital Schleswig-Holstein (UKSH), this novel early osteoporosis test has been clinically validated and published by me as co-author in the journal "Bone Reports 10 (2019). We have been successfully using this early test, which is based on calcium isotope fractionation using mass spectrometry, here at UKSH since 2019."

Ein Foto von Frau Wihlfahrt, einer Partnerärztin von OsteoLabs in Kiel, die sich für die Gesundheit der Knochen ihrer Patientinnen und Patienten einsetzt.
Bettina Wihlfahrt
Fachärztin für Gynäkologie, Kiel

"Dank osteolabs konnte ich sichtbar machen, dass die CBM-Werte meiner Patientin bereits nach 8 Tagen wieder auf den altersgerechten Mittelwert gestiegen sind. So konnte ich nach kürzester Zeit den Therapieerfolg nachweisen. Der Test bietet vor und während der Therapie gute Möglichkeiten - deshalb empfehle ich ihn meinen Patientinnen."

osteolabs Apotheke - Ihr Partner für gesunde Knochen
Arne Kulm
Pharmacist, Kiel

"Osteoporosis should be diagnosed as early as possible. This is the only way that your customers have the best possible chance of living with this disease free of symptoms in old age. Furthermore, there should be reliable measurement methods that can accompany a therapy and prove therapy successes. With this test, it can be determined whether a therapy is effective and the associated medication is optimally adjusted."

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